Transport in Annecy

You have chosen Annecy for your next holiday. In order to prepare your trip and your discovery of the city, we indicate you the various means of transport to come, the most adapted modes of transport on the spot, the car parks and finally the distances between Annecy and other cities.

Getting to Annecy

Gare d'AnnecyAnnecy is a well-served tourist destination for the main modes of transport: train, car, plane, bus. To guide you, depending on your point of departure, we will give you the itinerary. The Annecy TGV station allows you to reach us quickly from Paris or Lyon.

You can also use carpooling to reduce your carbon footprint. Find out in our file how to get to Annecy, the mode of transport that suits you best.

Getting around Annecy

Vélonecy AnnecyAnnecy is an eco-responsible city, so low-carbon modes of transport are favoured, such as walking, cycling, bus and scooter. When discovering the city on foot, you will see small signs indicating the time it takes to walk from one point to another in the city in minutes. Cycle paths allow you to stay out of the traffic. And finally, the high service buses run in their own areas to guarantee the service times. For 10 months from 6 September 2021, traffic on the banks of the lake in Annecy will be heavily impacted by the modernisation work on the Albert-Lebrun bridge.

To cross the lake and discover the surrounding villages, you can also use lake shuttles. Find all the information you need to know about how to get around Annecy.

Car parks and parking in Annecy

Parking Carnot Annecy

As the city is very touristy, the high number of visitors makes parking quite difficult. Surface parking spaces are rare, so it is preferable to use underground car parks. There are also free car parks on the outskirts of the town. The park-and-ride lots allow you to park for free to take the bus to the city centre. For motorcyclists, 450 spaces are available to enjoy sunny weekends.

In our Annecy parking guide, you will find maps of free and paid car parks, bus routes, park and ride sites and motorbike parking.

Distance between Annecy and European cities

Autoroute AnnecyTo help you prepare your trip, we provide you with the distance in kilometres between your point of departure and the Little Venice of the Alps. The distance is given for a slower, but more economical, road trip and for a motorway trip. Find out the distances to Annecy.

We wish you a pleasant journey and a great holiday in Haute-Savoie.